4 Tier Distributed ToDo App

Project Overview

Problem: Preparing for Kubernetes certification exams (CKAD/CKA) can be daunting without practical, hands-on experience. Many learners struggle to find resources that provide real-world scenarios involving multiple technologies and microservices architecture, essential for mastering Kubernetes concepts and practices.


To provide a hands-on learning experience through a simple task management microservices application, helping individuals prepare for CKAD and CKA certification exams. The app is designed to demonstrate key concepts and best practices in Kubernetes, microservices architecture, and multi-language integrations.


The estimated duration to set up and understand the entire application is around 1-2 weeks, depending on the user’s familiarity with the technologies and concepts involved.

Tech Stack

Kubernetes, Docker, docker-compose, MySQL, Rust, Go, Python(Flask)

4 Tier Distributed ToDo App

Key Features

Technical Implementation Highlights

Key Benefits of Using This App


Explore the project on GitHub: Simple Microservices App for CKAD/CKA Preparation

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