Armil - Plagiarism Checker

Project overview

Problem: Detecting potential plagiarism online can be time-consuming and cumbersome. Traditional methods involve manual searching or relying on generic checkers, paid plans with limited accuracy.


Build a free and user-friendly plagiarism checker using python, flask from scratch. Use Azure as cloud providec


1 week

Tech Stack

Kubernetes, k3d (local), AKS, Terraform, GitOps, Argo CD, Azure DevOps (planned), Grafana (planned), Istio, Kiali 


Key Features

Armil leverages:

Automated Search: Armil utilizes Google Search to find relevant web pages based on the user's input.

Text Extraction: It extracts text content from retrieved pages using BeautifulSoup for analysis.

Advanced Similarity Detection: Armil employs the SequenceMatcher library for precise similarity calculations between user input and extracted text.

Informative Results: The application displays:

Technical Highlights


By leveraging Python's capabilities and deploying on Azure webapp, Armil empowers you with a reliable and efficient plagiarism checking tool, informed decisions regarding content originality.


Visit Armil and experience the improved plagiarism detection process!

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