10 Microservice Ecommerce Application CD - ArgoCD

Project overview

Online Boutique is a cloud-first microservices demo application. It is a web-based e-commerce app where you can browse items, add them to the cart, and purchase them. 


Establish a continuous delivery proof-of-concept (PoC) for a microservices-based e-commerce application.


1 week

Tech Stack

Kubernetes, k3d (local), AKS, Terraform, GitOps, Argo CD, Azure DevOps (planned), Grafana (planned), Istio, Kiali 

Online Boutique


- Use at least 1 hub and 1 spoke cluster for dev and staging environments.

- Follow GitOps principles 

- After testing locally with k3d, implement an iaac solution for infrastructure resources

- Make ArgoCD responsive to changes.

- Commit change to the microservices and validate that argocd picks up the new image tag automatically.

Boutique App Demo 

Microservices E-commerce App with Continuous Delivery PoC Online boutique app demo 

Solution Approach

Hub Spoke Model Demo


- Terraform enabled consistent and automated infrastructure provisioning for dev and staging environments.

- 10 seconds sync interval allowed argocd pick up changes more responsively and near real-time.

- CD process was automated.

- Gitops approach enabled consistency across dev and stage environments.

- Reduced errors and repetition by %30 using yaml manifests, which translates to fewer deployment failures, faster rollouts.


10 Microservice Ecommerce Application Continuous Delivery PoC demonstrates the feasibility and advantages of implementing a CD pipeline for microservices applications using tools like Argo CD, IaC, and GitOps principles.


Visit the project repo for more details.

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